San Diego Fire-Rescue Department

‘Suspicious Device' Turns Out To Be Fancy Wedding Invitation

Reports of a strange package at Campus Point Drive and Genesee Avenue turned out to be a wedding invitation, officials said

A suspicious device reported Monday night at a home near the University of California San Diego turned out to be a very fancy – and harmless – wedding invitation, bomb squad investigators confirmed.

The odd box at Campus Point Drive and Genesee Avenue was reported to officials at around 7 p.m. The San Diego Fire-Rescue Department’s (SDFD) bomb squad checked out the package and ultimately determined it was not a threat.

SDFD public information officer Monica Munoz said bomb squad investigators found the “device” to be a fancy box with rhinestones on it which was, in fact, “an invitation to a wedding.”

The person to whom the box was addressed confirmed to investigators that he knew the couple who sent the announcement of their union. The name of the couple behind the invitation was not released.

No one was hurt in the incident.

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