A San Diego woman was beaten and robbed outside a 24-hour Walmart by people she confronted inside the store.
The victim suffered welts on her face and a broken finger after two people attacked her just before 3 a.m. Wednesday in the parking lot of the Serra Mesa store.
Two women were being rude and causing a scene inside the store, according to the victim, so she said she asked the women to move so other people to get through the checkout line.
The victim told NBC 7 that when she left the store, the two women attacked her, stole her purse and shopping bags. She told law enforcement officers that, at one point, she was on the ground with one of the women on top of her.
A San Diego Police officer investigating the incident confirmed two people were causing a “ruckus” inside the store and somehow the victim got involved.
The officer was interviewing Walmart employees to piece together what happened.
He was still inside the store when the attack happened and said he used a GPS tracker installed in his fiancée’s phone to help San Diego Police track the culprits to Lakeside.
Two women were taken into custody in 12000-block of Lindo Lane.
The victim was evaluated at the scene but not taken to a hospital. She was shaken up by what happened in the parking lot, her fiancé told NBC 7 in an exclusive interview.
He said it's nice to know the women are in custody but still an emotional and physical toll on his fiancé.
The victim said her phone was returned but she was still missing her wallet and purse.