“We take strong exception to Mr. Carl Whisler’s comments in your story, Deal or Dud? San Diegans Bid on 150 Homes, from Saturday, Nov. 2. We go to great lengths to make sure the public knows every detail, small or large, in the auction and purchasing process. We pride ourselves on it. We disagree with Mr. Whisler’s contention that escrow fees from our assigned escrow firm are higher than market rates. All fees charged by our designated escrow and title companies are standard in the industry. Like any real estate transaction, there are always title and escrow fees. In reviewing Mr. Whistler’s settlement statements, we found no fees that were out of the ordinary. They were all standard. There was nothing hidden. What’s interesting is that Mr. Whisler had purchased previous homes at auctions and he was so satisfied with the process that he came back for more. We are disappointed in his comments and equally disappointed that we were not given the opportunity to respond to them at the time the original news story was posted to the NBCSanDiego.com web site. But we believe we have set the record straight with this comment.”