Online Art Class Gives Break to Home Schooling Parents

Even the most experienced home school teachers need a break. Drawn2Art is giving one to San Diego parents by engaging their children with something fun, new and educational

NBCUniversal, Inc.

A new online tool is helping a San Diego mother give her kids a break from their home school routine while still keeping them engaged educationally.

The set up might be the same at many homes: students with headsets staring at a computer screen. But for one special hour, the Delgado sisters take pencil to paper and use a little imagination through the temporarily online art program Drawn2Art.

"It's relaxing and it makes you like think a lot and like focus on your art and it’s really calm," said Elise Delgado.

The Delgado sisters' mother Bethany Delgado home schools all six of her children, so their day-to-day hasn’t changed drastically since school district closures sent most other families into a frenzy.

“It's actually been a blessing. We have gotten a lot of time together. A lot of time to spend on family relationships and board games and card games," said Bethany Delgado.

Even though she wasn’t thrown into homeschooling like many parents, a break is still needed at times. Art teacher Ceri Langell takes it from there.

"Family time is wonderful and I'm sure everyone enjoys it but at the same time it's good to, you know, have kids sit down and be able to focus on something,” said Langell.

Even if your homeschooling situation isn’t a masterpiece, things always start to take shape.

“So we have a different picture, but a lot of just hope and encouragement that it actually does get better. The kids will like each other. It’s just to keep working with them, and conflict resolution requires conflict in order to resolve it so the only way to strengthen those skills -- you have to walk through it,” said Delgado.

The hour-long classes are offered once a week. Four classes cost $90.

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