Politically Speaking

WATCH: On Politically Speaking-Vaccine Mandates, Talking with the GOP Chair, Democratic Chair and More

Politically Speaking is airing on Saturday, March 26 at 4:30 p.m. and on Sunday, March 27 at 9 a.m. on NBC 7

NBC Universal, Inc.

In this week's Politically Speaking, NBC 7's Priya Sridhar spoke with Council President Sean Elo-Rivera about evictions and energy independence, also with Jessica Patterson, Chairwoman of the California Republican Party, as she outlines what districts Republicans are targeting, Rusty Hicks, chair of the California Democratic Party, about the Democratic Party Strategy with redistricting and about the city COVID vaccine mandate updates.

Catch up on this week's episode below:

NBC 7's Priya Sridhar spoke with Council President Sean Elo-Rivera about evictions and energy independence.
NBC 7's Priya Sridhar spoke with Jessica Patterson, Chairwoman of the California Republican Party, as she outlines what districts Republicans are targeting.
Rusty Hicks, chair of the California Democratic Party, talks about the Democratic Party Strategy with redistricting.
City and County of San Diego Revise Vaccine Mandate for Workers.
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