San Diego

Gas Pipeline Leak That Impacted Fuel at San Diego Airport to Be Repaired

Some flights had to make stops in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Las Vegas to fuel up since the leak prevented them from being able to do so in San Diego

Kinder Morgan is investigating the source of the leak and cleaning up, Hill added.

A broken gas pipeline that impacted fuel at San Diego International Airport is slated to be fixed Tuesday after a leak was discovered prior to Christmas.

The pipeline is expected to begin refilling Tuesday evening and gasoline is expected to be delivered into San Diego in the early morning of Wednesday, according to Kinder Morgan, the company that owns the pipeline.

The gasoline leak was discovered on Dec. 20 at the Iron-Wood Nine Golf Course in Cerritos, specifically in a segment that serves customers in San Diego, according to Kinder Morgan spokesperson Katherine Hill. Kinder Morgan specializes in owning and controlling oil and gas pipelines.

Since the leak was found two weeks ago, the pipeline has been shut down for repairs, impacting flights out of San Diego International Airport. As crews worked to restore the impacted pipe, some airlines had to make stops in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Las Vegas on the way to their destinations to fuel up.

According to Hill, the leak was isolated soon after the discovery and there were no environmental or safety concerns to the public.

Restoration was originally estimated to be Dec. 31 but due to "continued complexities," that date has since been pushed back to Tuesday. Kinder Morgan is investigating the source of the leak.

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