Sixteen years after a young college student was murdered during an attempted robbery, his name lives on in efforts to eliminate violence in San Diego schools.
The Tariq Khamisa Foundation is dedicated to teaching peace and making non-violence choices.
Khamisa's father held an assembly on non-violence at Bell Middle School in Paradise Hills Wednesday.
Khamisa, 20, was delivering pizzas in North Park when he was killed in January 1995. Tony Hicks, who was 14 at the time, was convicted of the murder and is serving time in prison.
"Through our story we inspire these kids to stay away from gangs, guns and violence, " said Azim Khamisa, who is with the foundation. "The work we've done over the last 16 years, I'm pleased to tell you, is showing amazing results."
Khamisa said the foundation's goal is taking schools that are unsafe, dangerous and violent and making them safer.
They teach the principles of non-violence, including forgiveness and peacemaking.