San Diego-based homeless rehabilitation organization Father Joe’s Villages is helping one of the county’s most vulnerable communities protect from the novel coronavirus by implementing new measures.
In an online press conference on Wednesday, the organization’s President and CEO Deacon Jim Vargas and medical director Dr. Jeffrey Norris detailed what new measures Father Joe’s is taking amid the pandemic.
To protect staff, volunteers and clients from COVID-19, the organization is screening any new clients for illnesses, practicing the six-feet distance rule and increasing hygienic practices.
While acting on the new measures, the organization identified a client on Tuesday who had flu-like symptoms at its Paul Mirabile Center near downtown. The client’s symptoms included coughing but they did not have a fever. As a precaution, medical staff collected a swab for testing and are anticipating a result within 24 hours.
Crews then cleaned facilities that the client came into contact with as added precaution.
Norris and Vargas stressed that there are no confirmed or even presumptive positive cases of coronavirus at Father Joe’s at this time, but they took those steps out of an abundance of caution.