Elementary Schools to Share Principals

What do you think of a 785:1 student-principal ratio?

Dozens of small small elementary schools will be forced to share principals after a decision by the San Diego Unified School District. The district made the decision as part of an overall effort to close a budget gap that has widened to nearly $147 million for next school year. Other ideas being examined include four-day furloughs for district employees and increasing class sizes.

The plan to combine principals was approved by the school board on Tuesday. The district hopes to save nearly $1.5 million by making the move.

The decision was made in a closed door session. 's not yet clear what will happen to the departing principals, althoug  it is safe to presume some will retire after having taken the so-called "golden handshake" the district offered last week.

Among the schools being targeted for principal-sharing are:

District officials met with parents at 12:30 p.m. Friday in the Navago neighborhood at Marvin Elementary. Parents in La Jolla will meet at 3:30 p.m. to talk about the situation at the school in Bird Rock.

About 75 parents gathered at the impromptu meeting in Navajo to learn more the plan. Many of the parents are angry about the change because it would make some principals responsible for more that 600 students at two separate schools.

Board member Katherine Nakamura told parents that the controversial money saving policy may not actually be implemented because the district may be able to avoid some of the budget cuts it is now planning for.

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