The owner of a La Jolla restaurant was arrested Wednesday and booked on more than a dozen charges ranging from sexual battery to rape, according to local law enforcement officials.
Daniel Dorado, 59, was taken into custody Wednesday just after 8 a.m. in Escondido. He was being held in the San Diego Central Jail in lieu of $900,000 bail, according to jail records.
Among the allegations are having sex with an unconscious person, sexual battery of someone who is restrained and several counts of administering a controlled substance.
The San Diego County District Attorney's Office said its attorneys are still reviewing the case.
An arraignment is currently scheduled for Monday afternoon.
Dorado owns a small Italian restaurant on La Jolla Boulevard in the Bird Rock community.
A former employee of Dorado's told NBC 7 that she quit her job at the restaurant after a month because he made her feel uncomfortable. She said she denied his request for nude photographs of her that he said he wanted for a calendar he was putting together.
The former employee said she never witnessed any inappropriate touching.
Business owners near the Voce del Mare were surprised to learn of Dorado's arrest and the allegations he's facing.
Rosa Sims, the owner of a clothing store a few doors down from the restaurant, was shocked to learn of Dorado's arrest and said that he was always very kind to her whenever she saw him.
NBC 7 looked to see if Dorado had any previous convictions and found only traffic citations.