San Diego

Resolution Calls for Tourniquets Staged in Public Places Throughout County

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors will consider a resolution to place tourniquets in county facilities and public spaces to reduce the potential for death in the event of a mass shooting or other traumatic event.

Similar to how Automatic External Defibrillators (AED devices) can be found in public places worldwide, the tourniquets would be staged throughout the county to help anyone suffering from significant blood loss.

Supervisors Dianne Jacob and Ron Roberts proposed the plan, which also calls for county support of National Stop the Bleed Day (March 31), a national day of recognition for bleeding control protocol.

Stop the Bleed, a national program administered locally by the Trauma Research and Education Foundation, trains medical professionals, businesses and members of the public on tourniquet usage. 

According to the resolution, 20 percent of traumatic injury victims nationwide could have been saved if immediate bleeding control protocols were implemented.

"Soldiers on the battlefield, law enforcement, firefighters and paramedics in our communities all carry and use tourniquets to control bleeding of the extremities," the resolution stated.

The resolution said the initiative would have no fiscal impact on the county.

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