Police are searching for two suspects who reportedly broke into their therapist’s home, stole $1,500 in cash, and drove off in the woman’s car, according to the Carlsbad Police Department.
Authorities described the suspects as a man and a woman -- both reportedly armed in the home invasion that took place at 11 p.m. Tuesday.
Officers said they believed the two suspects were clients of the victim who runs a therapy business out of her home on Cazadero Drive.
The man and woman allegedly held the victim at gunpoint inside her Carlsbad home.
The suspects fled the scene in the stolen car, a Mitsubishi Crossover, heading toward Encinitas, according to CPD.
The victim was not injured, according to police.
Neighbors were startled by the brazen crime which they said was unusual for their quiet community.
"Everybody is just pushing strollers and being nice," Stephen English said.
Other neighbors, however, said they've had issues with smaller crimes in the past.
"It's almost like nobody is safe here. This woman is doing a job to help someone," Martie Booth said. "Personally, we've had quite a few problems with our vehicles being broken into. They've tried to pull the back trunks out to get into the vehicles."
No other information was available.
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