Parents Thankful for Baby Izaiah

Izaiah Wallis was struck by a drunk teen driver

The parents of baby Izaiah Wallis are calling their son's progress "amazing". 

It's amazing because of what the two and a half year old Vista boy has been through since October 2010. 

That was the year that he was critically injured when he was struck by a drunk teen driver during a walk with his grandfather. 

Izaiah suffered brain damage and was paralyzed from the neck down. But thanks to intensive therapy the little boy is now smiling, clapping and moving his legs. 

"His stress level has dropped tremendously, he's a lot more alert, he's trying to get our attention more, he's trying to make sounds," said the boy's father Jacob Wallis.

Still, Izaiah must use a breathing tube which means he will not be able to enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday.

"Even though he can't eat the meal, it's still going to be a good meal because we're going to be able to eat with him, be able to share as a family, we're thankful for having him," Jacob told NBCSanDiego. 

The Wallis family is also thankful to the many San Diegans who have donated time or money to the little boy as he continues to recover from the crash.  His parents have high hopes for the future.

"I hope to see him crawling soon, baby steps at a time, but I mean any progress we see is good progress and that makes me and my family happy," Jacob said.

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