‘Never Forget is Now!': Trump Immigration Order Sparks Demonstration at Airport

Holding up signs that read “Give me your tired and huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” “Protect Immigrants” and “Build a wall – We will tear it down,” more than 300 people demonstrated against President Trump’s refugee and immigration bans at Lindbergh Field Saturday. In growing numbers, They shouted "No hate, no fear, everyone is welcome here!" 

The demonstrators congregated in front on the airport’s International Terminal, in solidarity with protests spanning the country from JFK airport in New York to Dulles airport in Virginia to LAX and San Francisco.

Originally, just a handful of people, as dusk started to set in the crowd grew to hundreds of people. The demonstrators cheered and waved as cars driving by honked their horns. 

"This isn't right and when something's not right you have to put it right and you have to use your voice and you have to use your body and tell somebody this isn't right," a woman from Carlsbad, who brought her nine-year-old daughter to the demonstration, told NBC 7. "We've experienced this before. 'Never forget' is now," she said in reference to the Holocaust. 

The order, signed by the president Friday, bans immigrants from seven majority-Muslim countries, including Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days, indefinitely blocks all Syrian refugees and suspends all refugee entries for 120 days.

The San Diego chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) sent out a Tweet telling anyone who is detained at the San Diego airport because of the order to call 619-398-4485.

By Saturday evening, a nationwide stay was granted in a legal challenge brought by the ACLU, which applies to people detained within the U.S. due to the travel ban. 

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