Cuban Buying Dodgers? Don't Bet On It

MLB Won't Let Mavs Owner In Their Club

The Dodgers are, some time in the near future, going to be sold. Major League Baseball is likely going to take over control and once the McCourts divorce is settled, put the franchise on the market.

When that happens, Mark Cuban is interested.

He already lost out on the Rangers and Cubs, and says as long as L.A.'s books aren't too messed up, he'll take a serious look. Cuban shouldn't waste his time. Forbes estimates he's worth $2.5 billion, and is as liquid as liquid gets. He took the Dallas Mavericks from a team that went nearly a decade without a winning record and built an NBA champion. Cuban also loves to spend money chasing championships.

At least 22 other owners have to approve the sale in a vote. They know Cuban will not only buy the biggest free agents (geography certainly won't hurt him there), but he's smart enough to throw cash at the farm system to keep it bursting with prospects. There's no chance any current owners will put themselves in a position to fight for players against Cuban in a sport with no salary cap. So Padres fans, don't worry. The guys up the road in Los Angeles won't take over the world any time soon.

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