San Diego

Cloudy Water on Monte Vista HS Campus Poses No Risk: GUSHD

The Grossmont Union High School District said the water at Monte Vista High School poses no health risks despite its whitish color.

A mother of an MVHS student sent NBC 7 a picture taken of the water in one of the bathrooms on campus. The water appears cloudy and bubbly, and white in color.

GUHSD spokesperson Catherine Martin said the apparent discoloration was caused by construction on campus and said the water should resume its normal appearance soon.

Martin said water on campus was shut off during construction allowing air to enter the line. As it was turned back on, the water was filled with tiny air bubbles which Martin said is what's causing the "white appearance.

Martin said the bubbles will disappear as people on campus continue using the water.

The water was quality tested by the district's construction management team and it passed with no issues.

"At this time there is no health risks to staff or students," Martin said.

According to Martin, the bubbles are a common occurrence when the water is shut off and turned back on.

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