Chargers Lost Games Against 1-in-30 Million Odds: Report

There’s a sports saying “ball don’t lie.”

Well, an analyst tells The Wall Street Journal that in looking at the Chargers’ dreadful start to the 2016 season, the numbers don’t lie.

Financial analyst Seth Bienstock says that the Bolts “lost four games against all odds – actually not all odds, just one-in-30 million odds.” Yikes.

Bienstock said that if you look at four of the games in which the Chargers held a fourth quarter lead, at least half of them held a 99.9 percent probability of the team winning.

The Wall Street Journal article states that if you look at all four of those games combined, the Bolts had a .00000034 percent chance of losing. And yet they did.

“So if you ran a computer simulation of these games from these points 30 million times, the Chargers would lose all four just once,” Bienstock told the Wall Street Journal.

The article is an example of the growing national spotlight on the Chargers as they struggle with injuries and the ability to even win more than one game.

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