Aggravated Assaults, Robbery Up in 2019 per SANDAG Crime Report

Robbery and aggravated assault were both up in San Diego County in the first six months of 2019 compared to the previous year, according to a report released this week by the San Diego Association of Governments. 

SANDAG reports annually on the crime statistics for the region through an agreement with local law enforcement agencies. 

The statistics show robberties were up by 5 percent and aggravated assaults were up by 1 percent over the 2018 numbers. 

The number of homicides in the region so far this year stands at 38, which are two fewer than those reported as of this time in 2018. 

The report even looks at the reports of crime on local college campuses. 

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To learn more about the crimes reported around the region, check out the release here.

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