Two of the four legally purchased firearms used in Wednesday’s mass shooting in San Bernardino, which left 14 people dead and 21 injured, were purchased in San Diego.
Suspected shooter Syed Rizwan Farook bought a 9mm Smith and Wesson pistol at Turner’s Outdoorsman store in San Diego, officials with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) confirmed. An acquaintance purchased another .223-caliber DPMS rifle at the same store on Farook’s behalf.
Investigators said Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, carried two pistols and two rifles into a conference room at San Bernardino’s Inland Regional Center, firing off dozens of rounds and killing 14 people.
According to the ATF, Farook also bought a Llama 9mm pistol at an Annie’s Get Your Gun store, and the acquaintance got a 5.56-caliber rifle at another Turner’s Outdoorsman in Corona, California. All the guns were purchased legally, the ATF said.
On Thursday, NBC News confirmed Farook bought the first pistol in 2011, and then one month later, a man, previously not known to law enforcement, purchased a rifle. In 2012, they repeated their buys.
According to an ATF official, the agency has identified and located the man who bought the rifles, but they have not interviewed the person yet.
Turner's has three locations in San Diego, but officials have not said which store Farook and his acquaintance visited. NBC 7's request for comment to Turner's corporate headquarters has not been returned.
In California, the state requires paperwork when guns change hands privately, but it’s unclear if the rifles were currently registered under Farook’s name.
A senior law enforcement source told NBC News Farook and his wife appeared to have tried and failed to make one of the weapons fully automatic.
The couple was killed in a shootout with police Wednesday. Inside their bullet-riddled SUV, investigators discovered they had access to 1,600 rounds of ammunition, authorities said at a Thursday morning news conference. At Farook and Malik’s house in Redlands, California, police found 12 pipe bombs, 2,000 9mm rounds, more than 2,500 .223-caliber rounds and “several hundred” 22 long rifle rounds, according to officials.
California does not have limit on the amount of ammunition buyers can purchase for most firearms. The state also does not track long gun ammunition sales.
On Friday, NBC 7 received the following statement from Turner's:
"Turner’s Outdoorsman responds cooperatively and fully to law enforcement requests for information pertaining to purchases made by individuals. The company will not share such information with any other 3rd party relative to purchases made at Turner’s Outdoorsman nor does the company make statements confirming nor denying that law enforcement has or has not contacted the company."