Social media can be a confusing place for musicians. For every guy plastering Facebook with event invites and how his band will be playing a new song at its show tomorrow night (OMG, no way!), there are the curiously absent musicians who post sporadic, cryptic updates or vague sentence fragments that make no sense whatsoever. Twitter can be even more challenging, as the maximum of 140 characters seems to be a difficult hurdle to overcome for some – after all, there are plenty of San Diego acts with accounts that haven't posted anything in years and/or never even bothered to upload a band photo ("eggheads"). There are those who flourish, however.
We decided to highlight eight San Diego music-connected accounts that keep us interested, laughing and scrolling through our feed. Of course, these aren't the only folks you need to be following, but rather some of our favorites. Who are your favorites? Let us know in the comments below!
- Blame One, @blameone: An original member of the Dirty Science hip-hop crew, Blame One doesn’t mind getting personal on his Twitter feed ("I've been feeling stronger and stronger positive energy. I can feel good things coming my way. Ride with me"), as well as keeping it real about the rap game: "I love [hip-hop] but there is far more mediocre [s---] than classics in the last 10 years. Like mediocre mountains. We NEED quality control."
- The Frights, @thefrights: This local garage-punk trio recently released a brilliant new split EP with label mates Death Lens (read our review here) and take the time to clue us in on any amusing dilemmas they may face along the way: "All of my professional emails have been going out signed as 'John Bon Gandhi.' [F---]."
- Heavy Hawaii, @heavyhawaii: We don't know who runs this indie-pop band's Twitter account -- it's probably frontman Matt Bahamas -- but they write some of the funniest (and most random) things we see on our feed, like: "Dang this notebook movie pretty good" or "What're some good clowns you're into lately?"
- Little Hurricane, @littlehurricane: It's easy to stay in the loop with this San Diego dirty-blues duo, as it routinely posts show announcements, new merch availability, videos and live performances -- like they did on July 10: "We hid out in the elevator at @esqtv and spent the day surprising people with our music! Check out the results."
- Low Volts, @lowvolts: Our favorite local one-man, blues/rockabilly wrecking crew keeps us up-to-date with show info, pictures of exclusive merch, photo shoots, videos (such as his performance at the Telluride Blues Festival last year) and tweets from the road: "Just got cut off in traffic by another person with California plates ... in Texas."
- Pinback/Rob Crow, @rob5d4: Local indie-rock titans Pinback don’t have an official Twitter account, but, thankfully, we’ve got Rob Crow’s instead. The band’s frontman keeps his posts loaded with Star Wars, film and comic book nerdery (which is quite all right with us), and offers up personal nuggets like, “I ever tell u guys about the Christmas Mass when I was 3 & every time the priest said frankincense I would yell ‘it’s Frankenstein u dummy!’”
- Project out of Bounds, @POBband: Along with the usual show-info tweets, these reggae rockers talk about their love of the Padres, Chargers and pretty much everything San Diego. Even the weird parts: "Ever had someone freestyling in the stall next to you? El Cajon Blvd is a strange place."
- Sledding With Tigers, @slddngwthtgrs: Run by frontman Dan Faughnder, this folk/punk band's account keeps us hunched over our Twitter feed in laughter nearly daily. Prime examples include: "The nicest thing about having a beard is now people have an identifier for me other than 'that chubby dude'" and "If we get 1,000 RT's on this tweet, I will record an ENTIRE ALBUM of songs about Space Jam" (it did, and we’re still waiting for the album, Dan).
Links to some of our other lists:
- 8 of San Diego's Top Drummers
- 9 of San Diego's Top Rhythm Guitarists
- 11 of San Diego's Top Bassists
- 9 of San Diego's Most Stylish Bands
- 12 Best Spots for After-Show Grub
- 11 of San Diego’s Best Singers
- 14 of San Diego’s Best Guitarists