Beat The Stay at Home Burnout With These Tips

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Ease your stress, anxiety and burnout from dealing with the new normal. California Live got some relaxation tips to give you a zen piece of mind from Reiki master Kelsey Patel.

Set an Out of Office Email Reply

Even if you're taking a day off it can be tempting to stay working if you are staying at home. If you're taking a day off, set your email to have an automatic out of office reply. This email will help set a barrier in between your home and workplace world so you can really unwind on your days off.

Schedule Breaks Into Your Day

Add in micro-breaks throughout your day. Schedule them in advance into your day so you have to take them. These breaks will relax you and help you refocus.

Move Your Body

Don't just move straight from your at home office to your couch to watch Netflix. Get up and moving. It doesn't have to be a 45 minute workout to make a difference. A quick walk around the block will do wonders for your mental state.

Nourish Your Body

Every doctor has said it a million times but remember to eat healthy. Junk food can be tempting but keeping yourself hydrated and properly nourished will help prevent anxiety and stress.

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