Politifest 2020: Pick Your Future

What is Politifest?

Politifest is an annual public affairs summit produced by Voice of San Diego. Launched in 2011, Politifest focuses on issues affecting San Diego communities. During election years, the event focuses on candidates and ballot measures. In non-election years, it focuses on the most important topics that drive public policy and community conversation. 

Politifest features a robust schedule of debates, panels and one-on-one interviews with experts, and provides a platform for residents to raise their voices, ask tough questions and delve into important issues. It’s a crash course in politics and policy. Here, you can learn how local government works. 

Pick Your Future

This year’s summit — which will take place virtually during the week of Sept. 29 through Oct. 3 — will examine races, ballot measures and major public issues through a future-facing lens: How will this year’s election affect our future? What are the implications for work, education, our communities?

For more information click HERE.

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