How to Get Instafamous

We want you to be a part of how "SoundDiego" sees music

We connect you to all the best local music and events, but we know we can do more. We want to make you Instafamous!

SoundDiego has launched an Instagram to keep locals in the musical loop. Just search for "SoundDiego" on Instagram and "follow" to instantly get connected to our exclusive behind-the-scenes photos from your favorite SoundDiego reporters and exclusive front row shots from top local shows. Plus, sneak peeks to our next TV episode.

The best part, by using the #sounddiegogram and #jdmusic hashtags we can share your images with our followers. We want your best concert photos to feature as our weekly favorite on our TV show, which airs 1 a.m. after SNL on NBC 7.

Following SoundDiego gets you hooked up with S.D.'s finest in music, culture and community.

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