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NBC 7 helps SoCal woman get $1,400 refund for Shakira tickets
The Shakira fan had a hard time getting her refund after Shakira’s concert was canceled.
Cancel subscriptions you're not using to save your wallet
If saving money is one of your New Year’s resolutions, a great place to start is by canceling subscriptions you’re paying for but not using.
¡Cuidado con estas estafas por texto! Los delincuentes envían multas vehiculares falsas
Muchas personas han estado recibiendo supuestas multas de estacionamiento o infracciones viales enviadas por la Ciudad de San Diego, las cuales son falsas.
Una mujer de Vista pierde sus ahorros en estafa romántica del impostor de ‘Keanu Reeves'
Las consecuencias de caer en una estafa relacionada con el romance pueden ser devastadoras – tanto monetariamente como emotivamente. Es algo que una mujer de 67 años conoce en carne propia al vivir desde su auto en Vista.
Advierten del incremento de estafas durante la temporada decembrina
Según el Buró de Mejores Negocios, las estafas decembrinas más comunes incluyen :Anuncios falsos en redes sociales, empleos temporales falsos, entre otros.
Donating to families in Maui? Make sure it gets to the right people
As survivors in Hawaii start the long process of getting back on their feet, more and more people are inclined to donate and help them recover sooner. If you’re thinking about sending them money, you should be careful to make sure it doesn’t end up in the wrong hands.
Don't get your social media accounts hacked. Here's how to protect yourself
It’s one of the most frustrating situations we can find ourselves in when hackers take over our Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok or other social media accounts, but there are actions you can take right now to prevent it from happening.
How to negotiate or even avoid fees at the car dealership
Consumer Reports breaks down what fees you may be able to negotiate or even avoid altogether at the car lot.
NBC 7 Responds helps recover over $4k for San Diegan whose direct deposit went wrong
Imagine waiting for a much-needed direct deposit only to find it was sent to somebody else. What do you do? What can you do?
A roundup of back-to-school student discounts you don't want to miss
Consumer Reports has compiled a list of year-round student discounts.