Park View Travels to D.C.

The boys of summer from Chula Vista finally have a date with President Barack Obama

The Park View All-Stars, the 2009 Little League World Series Champs, will soon be shaking hands with President Barack Obama. 

The team arrived to Lindbergh Field Thursday morning for their flight to Washington, D.C., many of them wearing their signature Blue Bombers hats.

The team, who won it all last year in Williamsport, Penn., have had some big moments since their last out of 2009 -- meeting George Lopez, the Padres and Chargers, and Vice-President Joe Biden come to mind -- but nothing will likely top their meeting on Friday the President.

β€œIt’s a great opportunity," said teammate Daniel Porras. β€œNot a lot of people get to do this.” Porras along with other teammates were excited about the flight and the chance to ask a question of President Obama. Porras wants to know what it's like to be one of the most powerful men in the U.S. Another talked about asking if he could play catch with the leader who is known for his athleticism.

The kids and their families, about 60 people, will be making the trip for free, thanks to their sponsors at Southwest Airlines and AT+T.

"I think it’s one of the biggest opportunities these kids are going to have in their lifetimes," said coach Ric Ramirez.

Ramirez, who is a teacher at heart and a teacher by profession, predicts there will be a lot of American history discussed on the trip.

They will be in Washington, D.C. Friday, Saturday and part of the day Sunday. Congressman Filner has arranged some tours as has Southwest Airlines.

β€œI want to thank the city of Chula Vista and the city of San Diego," said Ramirez. "They are a big part of making this happen because of their support so we appreciate it.”

The team won it all in August, when they were informally invited to visit the White House by the vice president, then found out in November that an official invitation was being extended. The White House and our local boys of summer were finally able to work out the logistics and settle on a date just last month.

As for the five month delay between the win and the White House visit, Ramirez laughed. "It takes time," he said. "The President's busy."

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