Meals on Wheels Donations Spike After Proposed Cuts

The program says it spends $1.43 billion on nutritional programs while saving the federal government $34 billion in Medicare and Medicaid costs

Over $100,000 poured into Meals on Wheels' coffers from donors online in the two days after the release of the White House's budget proposal, showing dozens of social programs defunded, NBC News reported.

On a typical day, Meals on Wheels America says it receives about $1,000 in unsolicited online donations.

"One would assume that concerned individuals who see the value in Meals on Wheels want it [to continue] to serve seniors in need," spokeswoman Jenny Bertolette told NBC News.

Meals on Wheels is a public-private partnership with more than 5,000 local and state delivery programs that provide food to isolated, disabled or poor seniors while also offering safety and medical checks. The program served about 2.4 million seniors last year, including more than 500,000 veterans, and says it spends $1.43 billion on nutritional programs while saving the federal government $34 billion in Medicare and Medicaid costs.

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