San Diego

Rescue Horse ‘J-Lo' the Horse Coaxed Into Trailer After Hours Loose on Fiesta Island

A rescue horse named J-Lo, who got loose when her owners were riding her along Fiesta Island, was coaxed into a trailer after hours of running around the island. 

The owners of the female horse were riding her on the island Tuesday night, near Downtown San Diego, when she first got loose. As they were trying to load her back into the trailer, she got spooked and ran off. 

San Diego Humane Society officials tried to rescue her that evening, but it became too dark, so they returned Wednesday morning. 

The horse has a history of abuse, officials said, and would not let others approach her out of fear. 

Humane Society officials built a large pen around the animal and slowly minimized the space until they coaxed her into the trailer. 

The horse was brought home safely. 

No further information was available. 

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