City May Dump the Landfill

City wants out of the trash business

Mayor Jerry Sanders is hoping to get out of the trash business. On Friday, the mayor's office released a statement saying the city is considering selling the Miramar landfill, in order to concentrate on other city services.

The city will soon accept bids from the private sector to take over running the landfill.

"By seeking proposals, we’re simply doing what any smart government agency or private business would do: We’re exploring our options,” Sanders said in the statement.

The Voice of San Diego is reporting that Sanders' announcement formalizes one of the most open secrets in city politics. The site reports the rumor about the city selling the landfill started back in May. VOSD says the idea of selling the landfill came last week as part of a proposed fiscal reform package.

The final decision would be left up to City Council.

Read more: Voice of San Diego.

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